From Start to Finish

From Start to Finish

From Start to Finish
CVP Innovation sums up its corporate mission in its name.
- Customer
- Value
- Proposition
- Innovation
In fact, the company presents itself to the market as a partner capable of proposing (Proposition) to its customers (Customer) value (Value) through innovation (Innovation), both in product or process innovation.
a) Research, development, prototyping, production, management and marketing of innovative products and services with a high technological content, also in accordance with Industry 4.0 paradigms; realisation of research, analysis and information dossiers to support companies, organisations and institutions in processes of change and innovation; analysis of professional and training needs, training and intervention in corporate innovation processes;
b) Design, implementation, prototyping, validation, testing and marketing of
• Equipment, systems for analysis and intelligent processing of information from devices, apparatus, sensors, signals or data sets.
• Decision support systems, engineering solutions for optimising and improving the quality of products and services, ICT solutions for enhancing, customising, helping, adapting, collaborating, facilitating all types of human-machine interaction at logical, physical and functional levels.
• Software: web based, desktop, embedded and for mobile device solutions.
• Customised design assistance packages for training, process and product innovation. Support in the various phases of the design cycle: ex ante evaluations; identification of the funding channel; proposal drafting; management, evaluation and reporting;
c) Technical and professional training courses;
d) Technical assistance to production, plant and equipment, commercial, IT and business assistance;
e) Product and system certification
About Us
CVP Innovation has been established in 2022 to unite under one umbrella and provide additional driving force to the projects developed by our experts who have been working as individual business consultants for more than 20 years. The idea behind the company’s project is to form a single entity that is able to follow its customers 360° in the implementation of ideas and products with a high technological impact.